Tuesday, May 26, 2015

$9.99 Deals at Silvia Fashion

An alternative title for this post could have also been "Santee Alley Hidden Gems Part 2". Silvia Fashion's deals are that good! Like Chocolate and Ameno, this is another little shop you shouldn't overlook while shopping in the alley. The women's retail and wholesale vendor offers a range of basics and trendy pieces at amazing prices. Most of the items we saw were priced under $20. In fact, most things seemed to be $9.99!

Scroll below to see current styles...

Silvia Fashion
1116 Santee St. inside Santee Alley

Currently trending: Boyfriend jeans^^

Jumpsuits for $9.99! And check out those emoji pants below. So fun!

In addition to the great prices, we saw a number of "2 for $10" and even "3 for $10" racks in the store.

Jeans for $9.99? Yes, please.

Please contact the store directly for purchase and pricing inquiries.


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  2. Hola tienen alguna página para compras online acá en EEUU?

  3. Good morning is this store still open
